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. Fi 10 C[emaziyülahir] 1132 Nemçe ilçisinüñ reʾīsüʾl-küttāb efendinüñ ḫānesine vardıġı keyfiyyetidür.
.Māh-ı mezbūruñ onuncı Pencşenbe güni elçi-i mezbūr Reʾīsüʾl-küttāb Meḥmed Efendiye gelmekle sāʾirlerine
.geldigi sibāḳ üzere atlar gönderilüb baʿdehū ilçi-i mezbūr mūmā ileyhüñ ḫānesine
.gelüb bāġ çeye nāẓır odada ṣedirüñ ṣaġ ṭarafına vażʿ olunan yaṣdıḳ üzerine
5 oturub ber ḳāʿide ṭatlu ve ḳahveden ṣoñra ḫānendegān defʿa defʿa üç kerre
.faṣl eylemişlerdür. Baʿdehū ikindi vaḳti ṭaʿām tenāvülinden ṣoñra mūmā ileyh efendi
.ṭarafından ilçi bege [? Yanyakārī] kemer raḫt ve sīm rikāb ve ṣırma işleme eyer ve ṣaçaḳlı dībā
.kesme ile müzeyyen bir ṭoru at çıḳmışdur.

Ve sāʾirlerinüñ itdigi sibāḳ üzere
. ilçi bege telli çekme ve begzādegān ve etbāʿına daḫı otuz ḳadar boyamalar virilüb
10 ve üzerine meʾmūr ḳapucıbaşı aġaya bir ṣof ferāce ilbās olunub baʿdehū ḳonaġına
.gitmişdür. Sāʾir żiyāfetlerde bu ḥaḳīr ve elçinüñ üzerine meʾmūr çorbacıya birer donluḳ
.çuḳa ve birer donluḳ ḳumāş virilüb lākin mūmā ileyh efendi ḥażretleri ṭarafından virilmedi.
.Ġālibā ḫāṭırlarından çıḳmışdur diyü denāʾetüñ ḥüsn-i taʿbīri ile iktifā olundı.

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The circumstances of the Austrian ambassador’s visit to the house of the chief of the scribes on 10 C(emaziyülahir) 1131.

On the tenth day of the month, a Thursday, the ambassador came to the house of the Chief of the Scribes, Mehmed Efendi. As it had been done during the ambassador’s visits to the other [statesmen], horses were prepared and dispatched for the ambassador and his noblemen. Afterwards, the ambassador came to the house of the chief of the scribes, and sat on the cushion that was prepared on the right-hand side of the sofa located inside the reception room across the garden. According to the custom, after sweets and coffee were served, vocalists performed three different times. After the eating of the mid-afternoon meal, the chief of scribes presented the ambassador with a chestnut horse, adorned with a leather-strap harness made in Yanya that had a seat worked with gold and silver threads, and silver stirrups.

And, as others had done previously, the ambassador was presented with a [piece of] embroidered fabric, while his noblemen and retinue were presented with around thirty colored kerchiefs. The gatekeeper agha who was commissioned to accompany the ambassador was presented with a fine ceremonial cloak. Thereafter, the ambassador went to his residence. In other visits [of the ambassador], this humble servant and the janissary captain, who was commissioned to accompany the ambassador, had been presented with a broadcloth fabric and another piece of fabric enough to make clothes. However, the chief of the scribes did not do so. [We] contented ourselves with the euphemism for (his) meanness that it must have slipped his mind.