
Nemçe ilçisinüñ× ketḫüdā beg ḥażretlerine geldigini müşʿirdür.

. Māh-ı mezbūruñ yedinci is̠neyn güni ilçi-yi mezbūr× saʿādetlü ketḫüdā beg ḥażretlerine gelmekle ilçi-yi mezbūruñ×
.rükūbı içün aġır bir raḫt ile müzeyyen bir at ve begzādegānı içün daḫı yigirmi ḳadar eyer kuşanmış atlar
.bāġçe ḳapusına irsāl olunub baʿdehū başdefterdār efendinüñ× yedi çifte ḳayıġı ile
.iskele-i mezbūra gelüb mevcūd olan atlara süvār, aġa-yı müşarün ileyhüñ Vālide Ḫānınuñ
5 alt ṭarafında Boyacılar üzerinde vāḳiʿ ḫānesine sāʿat altıyı tecāvüz iderek nüzūl

bāġçe üzerine nāẓır olan odanuñ ḳapusı ḫāricinde vezīr aġalarından bir miḳdār
.aġalar ferāce semūr kürkler ile durub ve odanuñ dehlīzine şükūfe ve meyve konub
.ve oṭanuñ dīvārlarına cā-be-cā āyīneler ve üç ʿaded muṣannaʿ ḳılıç ve bir pala āviḫte olunub
.ve bāġçe cānibinde olan köşenüñ ṣaġ ṭarafında minder üzerine ilçi× içün iki iḥrām
10 ḳonub ḥāżır olmaġla ilçi-yi mezbūr× maḥall-i meẕkūra oturub baʿdehū ketḫüdā beg yeşil çuḳa
.semūr kürk ile reʾīs efendi× daḫı maʿan içerü girdükde

ilçi× ḳıyām idüb baʿdehū ketḫüdā beg
.ṣadra oturub ve reʾīs efendi× ṣol ṭarafına oturub ṭatlu ve ḳahve virildükden ṣoñra
.bir miḳdār ṣoḥbet olunub baʿdehū aşaġı bāġçedeki fısḳiyeli köşke nüzūl olunub
.ḫānende ve sāzende faṣl eylemişlerdür. Baʿdehū yuḳarı oṭa-i mezbūra çıḳılub ṭaʿāma
15 oturulmışdur. Ketḫüdā beg ilçi× ve reʾīs efendi× ve Dürrī× berāber ekl eylemişlerdür. Baʿdeʾl-ṭaʿām
.zīrde defter olunduġı üzere hedīyeler virilüb baʿdehū gitmişdür. Begzādegānı muʿtād üzere
.iṭʿām olunmışdur.

  • ḳıymetli tüfenk ʿaded 2
  • aġ ır boyama [ve] yaġ lıḳ, ʿaded 2
  • kemer raḫt ile ve ḳırmızı işleme kesmelü ve sīm rikāblu mükemmel ṭaḳımı ile ḳula at, 1
  • begzādegānına telli çekme, 10
  • Ḳapūcubaşı Meḥmed Aġaya× ṣof ferāce, libās 1
  • teşrīfātçı efendiye çuḳa 1 ḳumāş 1
  • yeñiçeri ḥāṣekisine çuḳa 1 ḳumāş 1
  • çorbacıya çuḳa 1 ḳumāş 1
  • dīvān çavuşlarına altun, ʿaded 6

The following relates the Austrian ambassador’s× visit to the chief steward.

On the seventh day of the aforementioned month, a Monday, the ambassador× visited his excellency the chief steward. For the ambassador’s× ride, a horse equipped with a heavy harness was sent to the garden gate, while for the noblemen of the ambassador around twenty saddled horses were dispatched to the garden gate. Embarked on the chief treasurer’s× caique powered with seven oarsmen, the ambassador× and his noblemen came by the pier where they mounted the horses present there. As it was past six o’clock, they entered the agha’s house that was located below the Valide Han and above Boyacılar quarter.

Outside the [reception] room’s door overlooking the garden, some aghas from among the vizier household were standing, wearing sable furs on ceremonial cloaks. Flower and fruit were placed on the passageway leading to the room. Mirrors, three jeweled swords, and a machete were hanging in places on the walls of the room. On the right-hand side of the corner facing the garden, two covers were spread over a cushion for the ambassador. After the ambassador× had sat down there, the chief steward, wearing a sable fur on a green broadcloth cloak, came inside the room together with the chief of the scribes×.

Upon their entry to the room, the ambassador× rose to his feet and the chief steward sat on his seat. The chief of the scribes× sat on his left-hand side. After sweets and coffee had been served, some conversation took place. Afterwards, the party moved to the fountained pavilion in the lower garden where vocalists and musicians performed. Thereafter, they returned again to the upper room where they sat down for a meal. The chief steward, the chief of the scribes, and Dürrī× ate together. After the meal, gifts were presented as recorded below, after which the ambassador left. His noblemen was also served a meal according to the custom.

  • precious musket, 2 pieces
  • colored heavy handkerchief and handkerchief, 2 pieces
  • A buckskin horse, with a whole set of horse tack, including a leather-strap harness, a red embroidered horse blanket, and silver stirrups [1]
  • embroidered fabric to the ambassador’s noblemen, 10 pieces
  • a fine ceremonial cloak to the Gatekeeper Mehmed Agha×, 1 piece
  • a broadcloth and a fabric to the protocol registerer, 1 of each
  • a broadcloth and a fabric to the janissary lieutenant, 1 of each
  • a broadcloth and a fabric to the janissary captain, 1 of each
  • gold coins to the palace ushers, 6 pieces