31. Mai 1719
Belgrad nach Wien
Damian Hugo von Virmont
Karl VI.
ÖStA, HHStA Wien
Staatenabteilungen, Türkei I
Kt. 184-2, fol. 1r-2v
Lisa Brunner
Datenmodellierung data modeling
Stephan Kurz
Projektleitung project lead
Arno Strohmeyer
In Belgrade, Virmont met with Nicola Theyls, a former dragoman of the Dutch embassy in Constantinople. Theyls wants to enter Habsburg service and wants to return to Constantinople, yet he also says that he would go back to the Ottoman capital only in the service of the emperor. Virmont thinks that Theyls is a skilled dragoman and that he can be useful so he wants to hire him, yet Virmont also reports that one has to be careful with him due to Theyls’s previous record of leaking essential information.
correspondence, Habsburg grand ambassador, Hofkriegsrat, Holy Roman Emperor, Ottoman Empire
Damian Hugo von Virmont an den Hofkriegsrat, Belgrad, 31. Mai 1719, bearb. von Lisa Brunner, Datenmodellierung: Stephan Kurz, in: Die Großbotschaften Damian Hugo von Virmonts und Ibrahim Paschas (1719/20), hg. von Arno Strohmeyer und Stephan Kurz (Digitale Edition von Quellen zur habsburgisch-osmanischen Diplomatie 1500-1918, hg. von Arno Strohmeyer, Projekt 1), Wien 2022.
Online unter: https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:vipa.l.hbg.17190531.2
Permalink/Handle: hdl:11471/1020.30.7