Befehlsschreiben des Sultans; Istanbul, 15. Oktober
– 24. Oktober 1719
Lefḳoşa monlāsına ve cezīre-i Ḳıbrıs muḥaṣṣılına ḥüküm ki:
.Ḳıdvetü ümerāʾi’l-milleti’l-mesīḥiyye Romā
imperāṭorı ṭarafından büyükilçilik ile der-i devlet-medāruma gelen Cenerāl Ġrūf
.de Virmond ḫutimet
ʿavāḳibühū bi-l-ḫayr südde-i saʿādetüme mühürlü ʿarż-ı ḥāl gönderüb
devlet-i ʿaliyyem ile ṣulḥ ve ṣalaḥ üzere
.olan müşārün ileyh Romā imperāṭorınuñ tüccarından […] nām ḳapūdān bundan aḳdem sefīnesiyle Ḳıbrıs
5 cezīresine varduḳda daḫl ve
taʿarruż īcāb itmez iken cezīre-i mezbūrede mütesellim olan […] nām kimesne
.mücerred celb-i māl içün Nemçe sefīnelerinüñ rūy-ı deryāda ẕehāb u iyāblarına
ruḫṣat yoḳdur diyü ḫilāf-ı
.ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn ḳapūdān-ı merḳūm sefīnesinüñ
dümenin alub ve sefīnesin alıḳoyub ġadr ve teʿaddī
.olunduġın bildürüb
ḳapūdān-ı merḳūmuñ ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn alıḳonılan sefīnesi dümeniyle girü
.ve teslīm ve fī mā baʿd Romā
imperāṭorı bayraġıyla varan sefīnelerine teʿaddī ve rencīde olunmamaḳ
10 emr-i şerīfüm ricā eylemegin
ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnuma mürācaʿat olunduḳda tüccār ṭāʾifesi ṭarefeynüñ memālikinde
selefde virilen
.ʿahdnāmeler mūcebince emnen ve sālimen gendü ḥāllerinde
ticāret ideler müşārün ileyh Romā
.tābiʿ olan vilāyetlerüñ ve bundan ṣoñra millet-i naṣārādan alacaḳları
yirlerüñ tüccār reʿāyāları her ḳanġı
.milletden olur ise olsunlar berren ve
baḥren bu ḫuṣūṣa meʾmūr olan vekīller beyninde ḳarār virildügi
.vech üzere
Romā imperāṭorınuñ bayraġı ve
paṭentasıyla memālik-i maḥrūseye gendü ḥāllerinde gelüb
15 gidüb ve alış viriş
idüb lāzım gelen gümrükleri virdüklerinden ṣoñra rencīde ve remīde olunmamaḳ
.ḥimāyet ve ṣiyānet olunalar diyü mesṭūr ve muḳayyed olmaġın
vech-i meşrūḥ üzere ḳapūdān-ı mesfūra bir
.dürlü taʿarruż olunmayub ḫilāf-ı
ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn alıḳonılan sefīneye ruḫṣat ve fī-mā baʿd Romā imperāṭorınuñ
.bayraġı ve paṭentası ile varan
sefīneye bir dürlü rencīde olunmayub ve ḫilāfıyla ḥareket idenleri ḥaḳḳlarından
.gelinecegini ifhām ve ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnumuñ mażmūn-ı münīfi üzere ʿamel ve
ḥareket olunmaḳ bābında fermān-ı ʿālī-şānum
20 ṣādır olmışdur.
Buyurdum ki:
.vuṣūl bulduḳda bu bābda ṣādır olan fermān-ı celīlü l-ḳadrüm mūcebince ʿamel
daḫī vech-i meşrūḥ üzere
.ḳapūdān-ı merḳūmuñ bir dürlü taʿarruż olunmayub ve
ḫilāf-ı ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūn alıḳonılan sefīnesine
.ruḫṣat ve fī mā baʿd Romā imperāṭorınuñ bayraġı ve paṭentasıyla
varan sefīneye bir dürlü rencīde
.olunmayub ḫilāfıyla ḥareket idenlerüñ
ḥaḳḳlarından gelinecegini ifhām ve ʿahdnāme-i hümāyūnumuñ mażmūn-ı
25 münīfi
üzere ʿamel ve ḥareket eyleyüb mażmūn-ı emr-i şerīfümle ʿāmil olasın şöyle
fī evāil-i Ẕ[Ẕī’l-ḥicce] sene 1131
Decree to the chief judge (monlā) of Nicosia and the revenue collector of the Cyprus island:
General [Damian Hugo] Count of Virmont —may God end his days propitiously—who came to my threshold of felicity as grand ambassador from the Roman emperor, the paragon of the great commanders of the community of Messiah, sent a sealed petition to my court (threshold of felicity) and requested my most noble order about [the following matter]:
Formerly, when a sea captain named […] from among the merchants of the aforesaid Roman emperor, who is currently on friendly and amicable terms with my sublime state, went on his ship to the island of Cyprus, although interfering with him and attacking was not necessary, a person named […] who is a deputy governor on the island received in violation of the imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i ḥumāyūn) the helm of the aforesaid captain’s ship and detained the ship, claiming—merely with the purpose of confiscating goods—that Austrian ships have no permission to sail on sea. [The ambassador] reported that [the sea captain] was treated unjustly and oppressed.
The helm and the ship of the aforesaid captain that are detained in violation of the imperial letter of agreement shall be returned and delivered and, from now on, ships carrying the flag of the Roman emperor and arrive to [that location] shall not be oppressed and injured.
Upon consultation to my imperial letter of agreement (ʿahdnāme-i ḥumāyūn), it is written and recorded therein that—as per previously issued letters of agreement—the merchant class shall trade quietly, safely, and soundly within the territories of both parties. The merchant subjects from the provinces that are under the suzerainty of the aforesaid Roman emperor and those who come from the places that [the emperor] may capture from other Christian nations — regardless of whichever nation those merchants may belong to — they shall quietly come and go to the well-protected domains over land and sea and they shall trade under the flag and patent of the Roman emperor in the way concluded by the delegations authorized on this matter. Once they pay the required customs duty, they shall not be injured and disturbed and be guarded and protected.
My illustrious edict has been issued that, in the way described, the aforesaid captain shall not be attacked in any means. The ship that has been detained in violation of the imperial letter of agreement shall be granted permission. From now on, ships that arrive carrying the flag and patent of the Roman emperor shall not be injured in any way. It shall be understood that those who act in opposition to it will be vanquished; [all] shall act and behave as per the exalted purview of my imperial letter of agreement.
So have I ordered: As my edict of glorious worth that was issued about this matter arrives, you shall act accordingly. In the way described, the aforesaid captain shall not be attacked in any way. His ship, that has been detained in violation of the imperial letter of agreement, shall be given permission. From now on, ships that arrive carrying the flag and patent of the Roman emperor shall not be injured in any means. [You] shall understand that those who act contrary to it will be vanquished. You shall act and behave as per the exalted purview of my imperial letter of agreement and shall act according to the purview of my noble command. So shall you know!
October 15 to October 24, 1719