University of Basel

VIF | Visualizing Family, Gender Relations and the Body. The Balkans approx. 1860-1950

Wood market in Baščaršija

Wood market in Baščaršija, © Museum of City of SarajevoenlargeWood market in Baščaršija, © Museum of City of Sarajevo


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Object:Wood market in Baščaršija
Description:A group of boys (all of them wearing felt hats - fez), peasants (wearing traditional clothes) and horses laden with wood are standing in a street. In the background: desolate wooden barracks and a building from the Austro-Hungarian period.
Comment:Uncirculated postcard.
Date:Not before 1904.11.01, Not after 1918
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Publisher:M. Löwinger, Sarajevo
Dimensions:Artefact: 90mm x 120mm
Format:Not specified
Technique:Not specified
Keywords:290 Clothing
430 Exchange > 432 Buying and Selling
430 Exchange > 438 Domestic Trade
460 Labor > 462 Division of Labor by Gender
560 Social Stratification
360 Settelments
340 Structures
310 Exploitative Activities > 314 Forest Products
Copyright:Muzej Sarajeva
Archive:Museum of City of Sarajevo, Inv. No.: 8543
License:This picture is licensed under Creative Commons [CC BY-NC-ND 3.0]
Editor:Barbara Derler