University of Basel

VIF | Visualizing Family, Gender Relations and the Body. The Balkans approx. 1860-1950

Studio portrait of a man

Studio portrait of a man, © Museum of City of SarajevoenlargeStudio portrait of a man, © Museum of City of Sarajevo


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Object:Studio portrait of a man
Description:Full-length shot of a man wearing Muslim urban clothes with traditional elements and a felt hat (fez). Next to him: a small table with a coffe set and a folding screen.
Date:Not before 1920
Country:Bosnia and Herzegovina
Creator:Halačević, Nusret, (Photographer)
Dimensions:Artefact: 145mm x 97mm
Format:Not specified
Technique:Not specified
Keywords:290 Clothing
300 Adornment
410 Tools and Appliances > 415 Utensils
350 Equipment and Maintenance of BLDGS > 352 Furniture
350 Equipment and Maintenance of BLDGS > 353 Building Interiors and Arrangement
Copyright:Muzej Sarajeva
Archive:Museum of City of Sarajevo, Inv. No.: 7249
License:This picture is licensed under Creative Commons [CC BY-NC-ND 3.0]
Editor:Barbara Derler