< BackLIDO version"Rann a. d. Save, Stube im Deutschen Hause. Erdbeben am 29. Jänner 1917."

LocationBrežice (Rann)
Description Photograph of damage to the interior of the Deutsches Haus in Brežice after an earthquake in 1917.
CommentThe verso shows the interior of the German house, built in 1904, which was a gathering place of local Germans and the seat of several German associations in Brežice.
Dateproduced 1917-1918
Dimensions9x14 cm
Language: TitleGerman
National ContextYes
Keywords353 Building Interiors and Arrangement > 350 Equipment and Maintenance of BLDGS
552 Names of Animals and Things > 550 Individuation and Mobility
632 Towns > 630 Territorial Organisation
619 Tribe and Nation > 610 Kin Groups
Archive/CollectionOsrednja Knjižnica Celje, Škatla 20; Brežice, Krško; Rzg BREŽICE mesto/7
CopyrightOsrednja Knjižnica Celje
LizenzCC-BY-NC 4.0
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