Jean Joseph Audain an Hugo Schuchardt (05-00346)
an Hugo Schuchardt
10. 05. 1883
Schlagwörter: Französischbasierte Kreolsprache (Martinique)
Zitiervorschlag: Jean Joseph Audain an Hugo Schuchardt (05-00346). Port-au-Prince, 10. 05. 1883. Hrsg. von Frank-Rutger Hausmann (2022). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 12. 09. 2024. Handle:
Port au Prince, May 10th 1883
Dr Hugo Schuchard,
professeur at the University of Graz
Dear Sir,
I expected to write you a long letter this day but am unable to do so on a set (??) of commercial transactions. From the 16th of April – I began a few items from you, but am compelled to send some without to finished some –
I now send you seven pieces of poetry from the pens of some haytians – I had them from a friend of mine Mr Auguste Dupont – I will have many others, but did not as yet succeed in getting same [gem. them?] – I also send you a Catechisme in Martinique Creole language – with four pages of mine as explanations.
I remain, Dear Sir, very truly yours,
J J Audain