John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (21-09509)

von John Rhys

an Hugo Schuchardt


18. 03. 1877

language Englisch

Zitiervorschlag: John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (21-09509). Rhyl, 18. 03. 1877. Hrsg. von Dagmar Bronner, Belma Mahmutovic, Verena Schwägerl-Melchior und Markus Wursthorn (2017). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 07. 09. 2024. Handle:


Dear Schuchardt,

I have not yet succeeded in getting any information about Borrows translation of Barδ Cwsg:1 the Bethesda bookseller has heard of an English translation he says but he has not got a Copy. I enclose you a profsheet of what I have written for the Academy: it appeared yesterday: I hope |2| it will do I had nothing better to say as we have really nobody here who studies the Romance languages philologically.2 Evans Goch of Carnarvon has no doubt had your letters for he sent to me to enquire for you about my book:3 which I am |3| happy to say has just been printed off and will be in the hands of the bookbinder this week. Would you kindly send your address at once to Messrs. Trübner & Co Ludgate Hill, London: I will tell them that they are to send the copy for the Litterarisches Centralblatt direct to you. Who is the great Romance scholar in Rome you allude to? do you know him? Mrs. Rhys is in Rome [˟ Address 20 Via Mercede (2° piano)]4|4| since the end of last month: she is going to stay there for the sake of her health till May if all goes well at home. I am going up (for a fortnight) to Oxford next Thursday: address Merton College. I do not expect to get settled there till October. Please to send me a copy of your Review5 when it is published and tell me if you find the book reviewed by anybody else in Germany.

Yours truly,
John Rhys

1 Siehe Brief Nr. 6 (vom 26. Oktober 1874), Nr. 7 (vom 31. Oktober 1874) und Nr. 20 (vom 13. Februar 1877).

2 Gemeint ist die anonym erschienene Besprechung 'The Proposed Diez Prize-Fund' (in The Academy 11/252 (March 17, 1877), S. 229) von Schuchardts Artikel 'Eine Diezstiftung' aus der Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung vom 18. Februar 1877.

3 Mit „Evans Goch“ dürfte vermutlich der Publizist John Evans gemeint sein; Schuchardt (1886: 409). Der Beiname goch (coch) bedeutet 'rot(haarig)'. Das besagte Buch sind die Lectures on Welsh Philology (Rhŷs 1877).

4 Diese Anmerkung ist quer zum Haupttext des Briefes entlang der Falz geschrieben; das Verweiszeichen steht vor „Mrs.“ am Beginn der letzten Zeile.

5 Siehe hierzu Brief Nr. 19 (vom 8. Dezember 1876).

Faksimiles: Universitätsbibliothek Graz Abteilung für Sondersammlungen, Creative commons CC BY-NC (Sig. 09509)