John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (19-09507)

von John Rhys

an Hugo Schuchardt


08. 12. 1876

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland Universität Göttingen Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung Rhys, Myfanwy Schmidt, Johannes Schuchardt, Hugo (1886) Rhys, John (1877) Schuchardt, Hugo (1877) Schmidt, Johannes (1871–1875) Schuchardt, Hugo (1876) Schuchardt, Hugo (1878)

Zitiervorschlag: John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (19-09507). Rhyl, 08. 12. 1876. Hrsg. von Dagmar Bronner, Belma Mahmutovic, Verena Schwägerl-Melchior und Markus Wursthorn (2017). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 08. 09. 2024. Handle:


Dec 8. 76

My dear Professor Schuchardt,

My husband thanks you cordially for the nice testimonial you wrote for him. When he asked you to add your diplomas to your name, he meant you to do just what you did, it was not because you are not known in the philological world but because the electors to the Celtic chair do not know much about |2| the leading philologists of the day unfortunately. We are very sanguine in respect to this Celtic professorship it would be so much more congenial to Mr Rhŷs. We are glad you have removed to Graz, if it is better for you than Halle. it is a pity your health is still bad I hope |3| by & bye it will improve I have no doubt that the climate is warmer in winter there than it is at Halle.

Myfanwy is very much grown since you have seen her, she speaks every thing now she is a regular little Welshwoman. I will soon have her photographed & will send you her carte de visite she does not say didl didl |4| any more.

There was a much better “Eisteδfod” at Wrexham this year than the one at Pwllheli last year.2 My husband unites with me in kindest regards to you. he will write to you when he will be a little less busy His book will be out at the End of this month. He is going to send a copy of his book to the Literarisches Centralblatt. he will tell Trübner to tell the editor of that journal that you should have it for review.3

Yours sincerely
Elisa Rhŷs.


Mr Rhŷs has got Schmidt’s Vocalismus for review in the Academy,4 He is now come round to Schmidt’s views with respect to Fick’s5 genealogical tree and has expressed himself to that effect in the Lectures. he says he did not at first understand Schmidt’s theory.



We are anxious to see the rest of your correspondence on Wales.6

1 Der Brief wurde schon einmal von David Thorne (1986: 460–461) veröffentlicht.

2 Schuchardt hatte 1875 das Eisteddfod in Pwllheli besucht und seine Eindrücke in den 'Keltischen Briefen' geschildert (vgl. Schuchardt 1886: 328–344).

3 Für Schuchardts Besprechung von John Rhŷs’ Lectures on Welsh Philology, die beim Verlag Trübner & Co. erschienen, siehe Schuchardt (1877; Schuchardt-Werk Nr. 107).

4 Schmidt, Johannes. 1871–1875. Zur Geschichte des Indogermanischen Vocalismus. 2 Teile. Weimar: Böhlau; online verfügbar unter (abgerufen am 19.10.2016). Für die Rezension siehe Rhŷs (1878).

5 (Friedrich Conrad) August Fick (1833–1916), Indogermanist, Schüler von Theodor Benfey, war als Gymnasiallehrer in Göttingen tätig und wurde 1876 an der dortigen Universität außerordentlicher Professor für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft.

6 Die Bemerkung dürfte sich auf Schuchardts 'Keltische Briefe' beziehen, die 1876 und 1878 als Artikelserie in der Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung erschienen.

Faksimiles: Universitätsbibliothek Graz Abteilung für Sondersammlungen, Creative commons CC BY-NC (Sig. 09507)