John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (10-09501)
von John Rhys
an Hugo Schuchardt
12. 08. 1875
Zitiervorschlag: John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (10-09501). Rhyl, 12. 08. 1875. Hrsg. von Dagmar Bronner, Belma Mahmutovic, Verena Schwägerl-Melchior und Markus Wursthorn (2017). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 15. 09. 2024. Handle:
Dear Schuchardt
I have been expecting to see you this week or hear from you. I now give up the hope of seeing you before starting though I have put it off till Saturday. There is a friend of mine here whom I will ask to help you to find Trefnant should you feel inclined to go there or to find lodgings elsewhere. He lives in Rhyl: his address is W. J. Hughes 6 Elwy Street.1 You have also the address of the rector of Trefnant.2
My next address will be the Bush Hotel, Carmarthen. |2| Mrs. Rhys will be home till Wednesday probably so if you come before then be sure to call: our address is 2 St. Asaph Street
Yours truly
John Rhys
1 Zu W. J. Hughes siehe die Bemerkung bei Schuchardt (1886: 367).
2 Letztere Bemerkung dürfte sich auf Brief Nr. 8 (vom 19./23. Juli 1875) beziehen.