John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (05-09497)
von John Rhys
an Hugo Schuchardt
18. 02. 1872
Schlagwörter: Walisisch Rhys, John (1873–1875)
Zitiervorschlag: John Rhys an Hugo Schuchardt (05-09497). Rhyl, 18. 02. 1872. Hrsg. von Dagmar Bronner, Belma Mahmutovic, Verena Schwägerl-Melchior und Markus Wursthorn (2017). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 13. 10. 2024. Handle:
8 West Parade
North Wales
I have often thought of writing to you but somehow or other I have always put it off. I am very much obliged to you for your article1: I read it with great avidity at the time: I want to read it again with more care soon. I have been of late engaged making a list of the Welsh words derived from Latin and writing notes on them |2| it will be published as a tentative list in a English periodical printed in Wales.2 I will send you a copy and will be glad for corrections made by you. By the way I remember you pointing out to me the Welsh word palmant3 as derived from a Vulgar Latin form palmentum: Would you kindly give me the reference. Also do stumulus and stupula occur any where? I have no doubt if you saw my last you would be able to give me a lot of very valuable suggestions.
With kind regards
I remain
Yours truly
J. Rhŷsv
1 Referenz unklar.
2 Rhŷs, John. 1873–1875. 'Welsh Words borrowed from Latin, Greek, and Hebrew'. In Archæologia Cambrensis. Journal of the Cambrian Archæological Association (fourth series) 4: 258–270, 355–365; 5: 52–59, 224–232, 297–313; 6: 134–136.
3 palmant = Pflaster, gepflasterte Straße, Trottoir.