Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (162-02538)
an Hugo Schuchardt
28. 12. 1894
Schlagwörter: Paris, Gaston Gröber, Gustav Azkue y Aberasturi, Resurrección María de Leite de Vasconcelos, José
Zitiervorschlag: Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (162-02538). Barcelona, 28. 12. 1894. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hurch (2015). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.3517, abgerufen am 17. 09. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.3517.
28 Dec: 1894.
Dear Dr. Schuchardt,
I received your postcard of the 24th this afternoon. I fear that you do not quite enter into all my difficulties and troubles, least of all those connected with my Basque studies. These only lead to melancholy. I am not content with any of the persons with whom they have brought me into correspondence or conversation, though many of them are in most ways very estimable persons, and yourself among the best. At any rate you do not flatter me falsely as some have done. I thank you for the good will shewn in your letters on my behalf to messrs. Gaston Paris, Gustav Gröber, and W. L. Courtney. My Basque Ahasuerusism (a very original and rather illomened description of my hobby) has only placed me in perpetual financial difficulties, like that which is afflicting me at present. My family are rich, but do nothing for me beyond giving me a feeble pittance on condition that I do not set foot in the British iles. They never even write to me. So I am continually being asked if I am a political exile, a fugitive from justice, and so forth. M r Bronta, who knows the Luxembourg language, and gave me Lentz poems, when I introduced him to Azkues class in 1891, is here. He saw me from a traincar and wrote to Poste Restante to ask to see me. Are Sybaris and Kumae in South Italy Basque names?
E. S. Dodgson.
1 Lista, Barcelona, 28 Dec: 1894.
2 When is Euskara 16 to appear?
3 The Etudes of Pau say nothing about Mr Thomas edition of D’Urte, nor has he himself published the list of corrigenda which he requested me to compile.
I have never said worse about you than I have said in writing to you.
If Leite de Vasconcellos knows the Portuguese dialects better than I do4 I never denied it.
|2|1 Randnotiz auf der rechten Seite.
2 Randnotiz auf der linken Seite.
3 Die folgenden Sätze sind kopfüber zwischen die ersten Zeilen geschrieben.
4 Dodgson schreibt um die Ecke weiter.