Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (116-02505)

von Edward Spencer Dodgson

an Hugo Schuchardt


22. 10. 1893

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: The Academy Thomas, Thomas Llewellyn Hübner, Ernst Wilhelm Emil Webster, Wentworth

Zitiervorschlag: Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (116-02505). Viseu, 22. 10. 1893. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hurch (2015). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.3373, abgerufen am 16. 09. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.3373.


Dear Dr H. Schuchardt,

I was glad to get your postcard of the 17th this evening. No one has sent me The Academy containing my letter about Aizpitartes Dictionary, though I asked MrThomas to do so, just as I asked him to send you the proofs of his edition of D’Urte, my criticisms on which seem to have irritated him. You write on this card “Ihr artikel ist1 in der Academy”. If I printed this you would expect me to put ist in its place, and not to gibbet it above the line! but though D’urte takes the trouble to put a caret ˄ in similar cases MrThomas disobeys the caret, but puts it in, in all its naive truthfulness of prayerful desire. Also when D’Urte in his manuscript has effaced some words he has put a line of dots… to tell the printer to leave no interval: MrThomas chuses to put in all the dots as if he were producing a facsimile of a papyrus 3000 years old. I have in vain entreated him to consider D’urtes intentions. The Welsh are obstinate. I am glad to hear that Baron Hübners work is out. I once had a letter from him about an inscription in a place in Galicia where bai means yes,

Sa Comba on the Lima.
E. S. Dodgson.
22 Oct: 1893.
2 Hotel Cadete, Vizeu, Portugal.

3 I suppose Webster has set Mr D'Abbadie against me.


1 Über dem "in" geschrieben.

2 Randnotiz auf der linken Seite.

3 Randnotiz auf der rechten Seite.

Faksimiles: Universitätsbibliothek Graz Abteilung für Sondersammlungen, Creative commons CC BY-NC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ (Sig. 02505)