Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (087-02433)
an Hugo Schuchardt
06. 06. 1893
Schlagwörter: École Nationale des Langues Orientales (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales) Baskisch Picot, Émile Charencey, Hyacinthe de Eys, Willem Jan van Stempf, Victor Uhlenbeck, Christian Cornelius Azkue y Aberasturi, Resurrección María de Schuchardt, Hugo (1893)
Zitiervorschlag: Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (087-02433). Paris, 06. 06. 1893. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hurch (2015). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.3325, abgerufen am 19. 09. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.3325.
Dear Professor Schuchardt,
I asked Mr. Charles Verel to send you his Alençonnais grammar. I hope you have received it ere this. I find your lettres Celtiques most charming reading. I was wrong I think in supposing that I had already read them. As for the Basque in your “Der Mehrzielige etc” 1893 (of which I hope you will send copies to the Ecole des Langues Orientales and to MrEmile Picot (another Pico della Mirandola)) may it not be that nor in the two sentences beginning nor nola mintzo and in the quotation from Tartas is but the contracted form of nehor, nehork which in Leiçarraga means “tel ou tel”, “aucun”, “quelqu’un”, “on”,? Comme quelqu’un parle au dehors de la même façon parle-t-il au dedans. Quelle récompense plus grande peut on désirer au monde? Io III nork zer erranen du? was wird man sagen. que dira-t-on? I understand from De Charencey that the committee of his society would be more likely to publish Capanaga in their next volume if they had more Bascophiles among the subscribers. He does not of course put it exactly in this way and repudiates any offers of subscriptions with conditions attached: But I have no doubt that the affair would be more speedily settled if you for instance and Van Eys to whom he has written by my advice were to send your ten francs and express an earnest wish to see Capanaga in print at the earliest possible date. You would get a volume of some 300 pages full of linguistic matter in return. Mr Iago of Plymouth announces that new editions of his English cornish Dictionary (the companion to Williams) and of his glossary of the Cornish dialect of English are being prepared. Please write soon.
E. S. Dodgson.
6 June 1893. Paris.
1I saw MrStempf in the Bib: Nat: this afternoon.
2 Is Uhlenbeck right in saying that ardo means drink in general? I trow not!
3Azkue is not inclined to admit he is wrong.
|2|1 Notiz den linken Rand hinauf.
2 Notiz den rechten Rand hinunter und dann am unteren Rand kopfüber weiter.
3 Den letzten Satz schrieb Dodgson mit einem anderen Stift.