Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (040-02398)

von Edward Spencer Dodgson

an Hugo Schuchardt


03. 07. 1892

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: Bibliothèque Nationale de France Revue des bibliothèques (Paris)language Finnischlanguage Russisch Dubarat, Victor Vinson, Julien Priebsch, Josef Dechepare, Bernard Baskenland Paris England Pau Spoleto Frankreich Schuchardt, Hugo (1892)

Zitiervorschlag: Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (040-02398). Paris, 03. 07. 1892. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hurch (2015). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.3102, abgerufen am 08. 10. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.3102.


Dear Sir.

I thank you for your supplement to your Vinson Recension received tonight. I hope Dubarat has sent you, as I asked, the 1st number of his Revue, and that you will mention this, as I led him to hope, in one of your articles. Vinson is not very obliging about affording facilities for copying into my Capanaga what is lacking in it from the copy belonging to Eusebio Lopez, which he retains against the owners wish! he will not let me copy it except in the Bib: Nat: on Tuesday & Thursday next I am afraid that my article in the Revue des Bibliothèques which will be published in a few days and which I shall send you will not improve his friendship towards me. I of course find I have omitted many things which I might have said therein. The heat has been severe here lately: it will be roasting in Basqueland. I leave D. V. on the 8th. Paris is always fatiguing to me. I have begun to learn Esthonian from a native who has studied it well - he learns English from me and goes to England shortly - next winter we shall continue - he knows Finnish, Russian, and German also, and will be very useful. his name is Dido (or Tüdu). I introduced him to a Basque today whose poem to me I shall send you. Priebsch went off to England on the 1st I never saw him in the Bib: Nat: and I believe the Austrian Embassy here refused to recommend him. I have returned to Dubarat the proofs of my edition of Dechepare with translation, which he is going to publish. I have been invited by L’Association Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences to attend and promise to take part in the discussions on the Basques and their language at the Congrès de Pau 15 – 22 Septre. I hope you will come to it. I am hindered and depressed you know continually by the brutality of my family and the wretched pittance which they are not ashamed to give me. I think I told you I heard bai for “yes” in Umbria near Spellum & Spoletum (Ezpeleta) with its big box-groves. It is also used on the west coast of France1 between the Loire and the Garonne chiefly in the ilands.

E. S. Dodgson.

July 3, 1892.


1 Dodgson setzt am linken Rand fort.

Faksimiles: Universitätsbibliothek Graz Abteilung für Sondersammlungen, Creative commons CC BY-NC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ (Sig. 02398)