Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (009-02378)

von Edward Spencer Dodgson

an Hugo Schuchardt


20. 07. 1890

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: Bréal, Michel Paris, Gaston Meyer, Paul

Zitiervorschlag: Edward Spencer Dodgson an Hugo Schuchardt (009-02378). Basel, 20. 07. 1890. Hrsg. von Bernhard Hurch (2015). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.2465, abgerufen am 14. 10. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.2465.


Dear Sir,

many thanks for your polite card received two days ago. I hope to be at Oberammergau in about three weeks and to have my first look at the Tyrol. I found yesterday in the commodious rooms of the Lese Gesellschaft, by the Romanesque apse of the red Cathedral, your word histories in Gröbers Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 1890 - Dingy, with the g hard to distinguish it from the homonymous adjective, is the name of a kind of very light boat, in use since at least 1870 on the Thames, well known to all Oxford men. Would you attribute English tumble & tomb, latin tumba, French tombeau & tombe to the same stock as tomar? - we all tumble into that sooner or later; it takes us and tumbles us all in - Would thump, which has its representative in Basque tumba, be also connected? Bréal, Gaston Paris, & Paul Meyer have oftened mentioned you during the last two semesters at the collège de France. Paris mentioned your idea about ambitare & andare, which I read at Bayonne, but seemed to prefer his own etymon viz ad-dare (scilicet passum). It occurred to me some weeks ago that imperium might come from im and par, meaning the rule & office of one who has no peer, just as according to Profr Carrière ter in Armenian means one who is not (a common) man, t & air = Lord - Impero seems used in Latin to mean “to treat unfairly” to put upon a thing a strain to which it is not equal e. g. terrae, in the agricultural sense. Coud the indu of induperator be merely an old form of the negative prefix? A good many new books in Basque have appeared this year in Bayonne. Of some, being translations, one can obtain the French originals. On visiting Emilienbad at Grenzach the day before yesterday I wrote to the Director Hemenco ura da ederra, Bainan chit garbia da ardoua; Batbederac zango igan behar du Penazco cedarr–errira. with a German riming version which you will divine.

E. S. Dodgson

20 July 1890.

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1 Die Adresse schrieb Dodgson links quer über den Text.

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