Aaron Marshall Elliott an Hugo Schuchardt (01-02728)

von Aaron Marshall Elliott

an Hugo Schuchardt


06. 06. 1884

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: Publikationsversand Literaturbeschaffung Empfehlung (Personen) Universitätsangelegenheiten Elliott, Aaron Marshall (1884) Schuchardt, Hugo (1884)

Zitiervorschlag: Aaron Marshall Elliott an Hugo Schuchardt (01-02728). Baltimore, 06. 06. 1884. Hrsg. von Silvio Moreira de Sousa (2014). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:hsa.letter.1413, abgerufen am 09. 09. 2024. Handle: hdl.handle.net/11471/518.10.1.1413.


Dr. Hugo Schuchardt,

My dear Sir,

I have just received your card of May 20, and I send you herewith a copy of my Nahuatl Spanish Dialect in Nicaragua1 with very great pleasure. I received your notice of the Créole of the Reunion,2 and was only waiting to have the pleasure of sending you something of mine in return. Accept my very best thanks for it, I pray you. Two years ago, when you wrote me in reference to my article on Créole,3 I was suffering from an attack of diptheratic paralysis, & ordered your letter to be answered, and a copy sent you, |2| which it seems from your card was not done. Do you know any Prof. or young man whom we could get as a permanent lecturer for some department of Romance Literature? We are now looking for a good man. It would be necessary for him to speak English fluently, & to be able to go outside of a single department, such as French etc. If you should know of any one, you would confer a great favor on me by sending me his name & address. My address is 241 N. Calvert st, Baltimore, Md, as our university is closed for the summer.

Yours very truly,
A. M. Elliott.

Dr. H. Schcuhardt:

1 Elliott, Aaron Marshall. 1884. ‘The Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua’. In The American Journal of Philology 5, 1:54-67.

2 Gemeint ist wahrscheinlich der folgende Artikel: Schuchardt, Hugo. 1884. '[Rez. von:] Esquisses africaines. Fables créoles et explorations dans l'intérieur de l'île Bourbon par M. L. Héry, professeur au Lycée. Nouvelle édition'. In Literaturblatt für germanische und romanische Philologie 5: 369-371. [Archiv-/Breviernummer: 169].

3 Es liegen bis jetzt keine Informationen über diesen Artikel vor.

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