Joseph Gerson da Cunha an Hugo Schuchardt (01-02225)

von Joseph Gerson da Cunha

an Hugo Schuchardt


05. 05. 1882

language Englisch

Schlagwörter: language Portugiesisch (Diu)language Portugiesisch (Goa)language Portugiesisch (Daman)language Portugiesisch (Kochi)language Portugiesisch (Mangaluru/Mangalore)language Portugiesischbasierte Kreolsprache (Sri Lanka/Ceylon)language Indoportugiesische Kreolsprachenlanguage Portugiesisch Goa Daman Diu Mangaluru Sri Lanka Singapur Malakka

Zitiervorschlag: Joseph Gerson da Cunha an Hugo Schuchardt (01-02225). Mumbai, 05. 05. 1882. Hrsg. von Silvio Moreira de Sousa (2013). In: Bernhard Hurch (Hrsg.): Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Online unter, abgerufen am 15. 09. 2024. Handle:


39, Hornby [Road], Bombay, May 1882.

My dear Sir,

I have had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the January, to which I now beg to reply, asking you to excuse me for the delay, caused by the nature of the inquiries I had to institute concerning the works published in Indo-Portuguese dialects.

The Portuguese spoken in the Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damão and Diu is as pure as that of Lisbon. |2|The dialects are spoken in the so called Portuguese Province of the North, now under the British rule, consisting of Thaná,1 Bassein2 and the neighbourhood, the ancient Province of the South, also under the British, comprising Mangalore, Cochim [etc.], and Ceylon; Syngapure + Malacca. With the exception of the dialect of Ceylon, there is no work published in any other dialect. All these dialects are closely related, and that of Ceylon may be taken as the type of them. With regard to this latter dialect you have already all the work hitherto published, such as the New Testament, and are [aware] of the grammatical |3|work on the subject. But you do not seem to possess the Livro de oraçãos,3 published at Colombo in the Ceylon Indo-Portuguese dialect. A copy of this work I beg to present you now.

I shall be most happy to assist you in your interesting and valuable investigations, and shall be too glad to answer any other question you may in future deem it necessary to address to me.

Believe me, my dear Sir,

Yours very truly

J. Gerson da Cunha


1 Gemeint ist Thane. Thane ist eine Stadt im Groβraum der Metropole Mumbai.

2 Gemeint ist Vasai. Vasai ist ein Teil der Vasai-Virar Stadt und liegt nördlich von Mumbai.

3 Gemeint ist vermutlich das folgende Werk: 1841. O livro de oraçãos usados ne grejas de Wesleyanos ne iye de Ceylon. Colombo: empressado ne officio Wesleyano.

Faksimiles: Universitätsbibliothek Graz Abteilung für Sondersammlungen, Creative commons CC BY-NC (Sig. 02225)