University of Basel

BACI – Balkan Cinema

Bulgarian film director Georgi Djulgerov (1943– )

Bulgarian film director Georgi Djulgerov (1943– ), © Bălgarskata nacionalna filmotekaenlarge


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Object:Bulgarian film director Georgi Djulgerov (1943– )
Description:Portrait photograph of Bulgarian film director Georgi Djulgerov.
Comment:Georgi Djulgerov graduated from the VGIK Film School in Moscow in 1970.
Date:Not before 1975
Country:unknown (contemporary)
Bulgaria (historical)
Keywords:540 Commercialized Entertainment > 546 Motion Picture Industry
Copyright:Bălgarskata nacionalna filmoteka
Archive:Bălgarskata nacionalna filmoteka (Collection Fototeka), Inv. No.: Fototeka 15
Editor:Karl Kaser