General rules:
I. Text displayed as black body
text is manuscript text, usually written by Brentano himself.
II. Text in brown
text color marks textcritical
marks or comments.
III. Text in blue
text color marks graphical tools, mostly for
I. Black text
Black body text |
text written by Brentano. |
Black body text |
Regular text with one or more
underlines in the original manuscript; the underline(s) may be made with a different
writing medium. In some cases the italics were added by the editor (e.g.
title of a publication). |
Brown text
text |
Text or punctuation marks added by
the transcriber or the editor. |
text[?] |
Uncertain reading. |
[1 W. unl.] |
A certain amount of text is illegible. Abbreviations: W. = Wort (word); B. = Buchstabe/n (character/s); unl.
= unleserlich (illegible) |
⇐ Text of a genuine annotation] |
The text of a genuine annotation by the author originally placed in
the left margin without any indication where it should be added in the main
text column is inserted here by the editor’s decision. The closing square
bracket marks the end of the annotation. |
text1,2,3, …, n |
Number of an informational note
provided by the editor. |
Blue text
Top of page: |
Identifier: signature of document and archival number of manuscript
page. |
End of page, after vertical line: |
Page counter. |
Top left of each paragraph: |
Paragraph counter |
text1,2,3, … |
Number of a textcritical note provided by
the transcriber or editor |
IV. Additional apparatus
dipl |
Link to the diplomatic version of the manuscript transcription. |
norm legend |
Link to the
legend for the normalized version [this text]. |