Help on Search
Simple search criteria
Search is not case-sensitive.
Search terms must comprise at least 3 characters.
When entering multiple keywords, use blanks as separators. All keywords are automatically linked with a logical "AND".
The results are ordered by the frequency of the occurrences of the search term.
The subsequently described search options can be combined. Fuzzy Search and Dublic Core Search can only be used with the Keyword Search, while truncation, Boolean Operators, phrase search and distance search can also be used with the Extended Search.
Search terms can be truncated using the characters "*" and "?". The asterisk serves as a placeholder for any number of characters, while the question mark replaces one specific character. Neither truncation operator may be used at the beginning of a word, but combining both operators is possible.
The search term hand* will yield all entries beginning with hand and continuing with any number of different endings (e.g. hand, handicrafts, hands …) , whereas the search term wom?n reveals all four-character strings which start with wom and end with n (e.g. woman, women)
Boolean Operators
The search interface can handle the logical operators AND, OR and NOT to refine the query.
The search term children OR child will result in a list of objects which contain either children or child. portrait AND child yields all documents containing both search terms, man NOT portrait will reveal all instances of the term man without the term portrait occurring in the same text.
Phrase search
A phrase search is performed when multiple keywords are placed in quotation marks. The entered search terms appears in the exact specified phrase in the results.
A search for "young woman"only produces results if the search terms occur in this exact order.
Distance search
The distance search allows you to search for two terms, which occur within a certain distance from each other. To use this search, enter a phrase search (see above) and add the tilde symbol "~" followed by the maximum number of words within which the search terms must occur.
The query "lecturers sofia"~5would retrieve an entry like Lecturers and students in chemistry at the Sofia University.
Dublin Core Search
You can specify to which Dublin Core metadata field you want to limit your search.
The search term will reveal all objects whose Dublin Core field contains the exact value 1900.