Updated glosses in Gloss-ViBe

The following list provides information on those instances in which gloss readings, translations, and analyses were updated in contrast to previous editions. Since there is previous edition of all the Latin glosses, the list only features Old Irish examples. The previous readings are cited from: 1) Stifter et. al. (2021) = CorPH, and 2) Stokes and Strachan (1901-1903) = Thes.

  1. BVi.01a42.07: indsoirbe

    Following Bauer (2017, 32) the auslauting vowel is read as "e".
    soirbeS0058-7: soirbi
    Thes.ii.31.1a1.7: soirbi

  2. BVi.01b22.09: .i. óien assessed dáu atrian atrí alleth ásé

    Following Bauer (2017, 33) the number is read as "óien".
    óienS0058-9: óin
    Thes.ii.31.1a2.9: óin

  3. BVi.01d11.18: noglandis

    As already suggested in footnote c in the Thesaurus (Stokes and Strachan 1901-1903, II, 32), the manuscript acutally has "n" and not "r".
    noglandisS0058-18: roglandis
    Thes.ii.32.1b2.18: roglandis

  4. BVi.02a28.19a: .i. noe

    As laid out in Bauer (forthc.), the comparison with the parallel gloss in BCr. make the updated reading more plausible.
    .i. noeS0058-22: [i]mbe
    Thes.ii.32.2a1.19a: (i)mbe

  5. BVi.02cd01.21: Et uiii horis lunaribus reliqua et rethid fri chachrind· binís diebus et seniís horís ocus bisse ittrí mís deacc soli octimchull. ǽrat tonimchéla luna inna óenmís ar nitesta dincotrummus sin· nisi dihuáir ocus bisse ar xxuii diebus :- :- /// hatristimchel deacc trasindami deacc

    This Gloss-ViBe reading is already presented in the Thesaurus (Stokes and Strachan 1901-1903, II, 33).
    binísS0058-24: biní
    Thes.ii.33.2a1.21: binís

  6. BVi.02cd02.23: Luna tridecima reliqua .i.ind dala ocus inna .iiii. hore dochaithi fri arrachtin gréne iarthimchul ndí indrindi dogres it hé immefolngat escidi ocus dano fris inda mí deacc escaidi ocus dano fridamí deac grene: xxui dies dí cocenn damí deacc din diblaib ocus iiii horis inanno et laithe et uiii horae testat de combath cholon rith lunae contra zodiacum :- issed immefolngi

    EXPLAIN MORE Footnote h in the Thesaurus (Stokes and Strachan 1901-1903, II, 33) cites Zimmer's reading "chomlon".
    escidi, escaidiS0058-26: æscidi, æscaidi
    Thes.ii.33.2a1.23: æscidi, æscaidi
    S0058-26: didiu
    Thes.ii.33.2a1.23: didiu
    cholonS0058-26: chomlan
    Thes.ii.33.2a1.23: chomlan

  7. BVi.03a29.32: feli .i. termini

    As laid out in Bauer (forthc.) "[t]he “.i.” is written much thinner and might not be part of the gloss at all." It is nonetheless recorded in Gloss-ViBe.

  8. BVi.04a23b.44: .i. imbí

    With the help of the parallel gloss in Ang. 57b26d, it was possible to update the analysis/translation of this gloss (cf. Bauer forthc.).
    'in which you are'S0058-49: 'in which it is'
    Thes.ii.35.4a1.44: 'in which it is'

  9. BVi.04b23.55: .i. teora bliadni frithriagla

    Following Bauer (2017, 39) more of the gloss can be read with the help of UV-light and the parallel gloss in BCr. 32b16.
    .i. teora bliadni firthriaglaS0058-60: bliadni
    Thes.ii.35.4a2.55: ......bliadni........

  10. BVi.04c11.61: la … tum for ix

    The gloss is very hard to decipher and the part before the "tum/gum" has to remain unclear. Nonetheless, I think we should rather read "tum" than "gum".
    tumS0058-66: gum
    Thes.ii.36.4b1.61: gum

  11. BVi.04c33.69: .i. biith doith forlaim

    Following Bauer (2017, 42-43) the form of the substantive verb is read as "biith".
    biithS0058-74: buth
    Thes.ii.36.4b1.69: buth

  12. BVi.04d06.71: % dober frit a lin lae óthus bliadne con rici a lae frecndairc inbí

    As already noted in footnote g in the Thesaurus (Stokes and Strachan 1901-1903, II, 36), the manuscript actually has "inbí".
    inbíS0058-76: imbí
    Thes.ii.36.4b2.71: imbí

  13. BVi.04d26.74: % dindrala huait cxuiii dofuarat latt oienar .i. nonus ocus x condid .xi.

    Once again this reading follows Bauer (2017, 44-46).
    .i. nonusS0058-79: x nonus
    Thes.ii.37.4b2.74: x (?) nonus


  • Bauer, Bernhard (2017). 'New and corrected MS readings of the Old Irish glosses in the Vienna Bede', in Ériu 67, 29-48.
  • Bauer, Bernhard (forthc.). 'The early medieval vernacular Celtic glosses: originals or translations? A case study on the Vienna Bede'.
  • Stifter, David et al. (2021). Corpus PalaeoHibernicum (CorPH) v1.0, 2021. Online at: http://chronhib.maynoothuniversity.ie.
  • Stokes, Whitley and Strachan, John (1901-1903). Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus, vol. I and II. Cambridge: University Press.