Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages


Buttons underneath highlight semantic annotation visualisation, buttons are displayed in relation to the annotation of the text (if a button is not here, the data is not annotated!)

  • Ingredient: (usually) edible material used in cooking
  • Dish: general category of food
  • Tool: equipment used in cooking
  • Name: proper name of dish
  • Instruction: one set of action during dooking
  • Opener: phrase opening a recipe text
  • Closer: phrase closing a recipe text
  • Ref.: reference to another recipe
  • Kitchen Tip: set of actions concerning cooking
  • Household Tip: set of actions concerning household matters
  • Serving Tip: set of actions concerning dishing and serving the food
  • Speech ( ): active speech act of chef or other individual
  • Excluded ingredient ( ): potential ingredient is actively excluded
  • Compared to… ( ): comparison to suggest shape, measurement, etc.
  • Analogy ( ): something other is simulated (“fake” dish)

Ingredients / Tools: Indexes of ingredient and tool concepts reachable via English translation in brackets trailing Early New High German spelling

Metadata: Transcription and recipe view reachable via buttons next to recipe number under Metadata

Similar recipes: provides information on recipe relationships

Categories show, if decidable, main ingredient, distinct preparation method and type of dish

License and citation suggestion available via buttons next to manuscript signature below the manuscript image.

Sauce for fish roast



Pannonhalma, Library of Pannonhalma Archabbey, Cod. 118. J. 42Source Collection: Pa1, fol. 281rRecipe Nr. 29 Dating: about 1500Origin: place of origin unknownLang: Bavarian

Similar recipes:

Same title: pa1.29Shared ingredients: pa1.29Same ingredients in following recipe: 2Same tools in following recipe: 0


Main ingredient: -Preparation: sauceType: -

Salssen Ein guet salssen mueß haben wir [281v] dar zw Prawn Gruen oder weis wyedw wild dy weiß get von mandel der de weis dy gruen nym ander stat zucker muestw dar zu haben so du dan den mandel hast so nym nuß andy stat mit wein las es durch schlahen ain weis Ingewer nym auch dar zw prauwn varb must du haben weinper dy reib chlain so wirt dy farb rayn vnd dy schlach mit gutem wein durch Wildw dy salsen gut haben so thu zucker dar an so magstu eyn gute salssen han Muestw dar haben daz get von leczelten dar mandel weinper Ingebir dy weinper soltu schon dar an thun vnd daz schol man schon machen

*Fish aspic, how to coagulate* (Subrecipe Nr. 1) [cooking recipe] [282r] ob daz den lewtten wol gefall wan er wil visch machen so nem eyn rain tuch da sol er es pinden wil er dy prezz gancz haben so sol es daz hawbt von den schleim schon streichen da von wirt sy gar wol stan ist daz dw der prezz nicht hast so soltu sy legen auf einen tisch vnd leg dar auf als tuech mag tragen des nym dir guten muet wer sy macht si wirt gut des hadir mein mue????

Pa1 - "Pannonhalma, Library of Pannonhalma Archabbey, Cod. 118. J. 42"